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Zhao Shuyan interviewed by Science and Technology Daily: "Clean coal to control haze" is an important way to solve environmental problems
Classification:News and information Release time:2015-05-18 22:50:57

Following four reports published in the Science and Technology Daily on June 2006, March 2009, July 2011, and December 2013 on the achievements of Beijing Guohua Technology Group (referred to as Guohua Technology) in adhering to the scientific development concept and taking the path of independent research and development for innovation and entrepreneurship, on April 9, 2015, in the "Shared Science" section of the Science and Technology Daily, a half page documentary report titled "Clean Coal and Haze Control is an Important Way to Solve Environmental Problems" was published by journalist Li Ping interviewing Researcher Zhao Shuyan, Chairman and Chief Engineer of Guohua Technology.

Zhao Shuyan introduced to reporters that coal selection can effectively remove ash and sulfur from coal. For every 100 million tons of raw coal selected, approximately 13 million tons of ash and 350000 tons of sulfur can be removed, reducing SO2 emissions by 490000 tons. Based on the national coal production in 2013, if 1.47 billion tons of coal that was not selected throughout the year were washed and processed, nearly 300 million tons of gangue could be excluded, saving more than 18 billion yuan in transportation costs. The economic benefits brought by this alone can be recouped from the investment in plant construction within two years. At the same time, improving coal efficiency can also save about 165 million tons of coal.

Under the leadership of Zhao Shuyan, Guohua Technology has overcome the long-standing problem of "raw coal not being classified, not deslimed, and mixed for selection" in the international coal preparation industry. The coal preparation process has been highly simplified, and the coking coal preparation plant designed by Guohua Technology has saved investment and processing costs by 10-30% compared to other peers using American technology, reduced electricity consumption by 40-60%, and reduced coal content in the gangue of all selected power coal preparation plants by 6-20 percentage points. Zhao Shuyan introduced a successful case to the reporter: Shanxi Xinyu Coal Preparation Plant was designed by a foreign-funded design company in 2005, using developed country coal preparation technology and imported LA1150 type two product heavy medium cyclone for coarse and fine selection. The RC type coarse coal slurry separator and JMSCELL type flotation column were used as core equipment to build a workshop with a processing capacity of 2.0Mt/a; In 2012, a second workshop with a processing capacity of 3.0Mt/a was built, which was designed by Guohua Technology and adopted the research results of Guohua Technology's "efficient and simplified heavy medium coal selection complete set technology and equipment". The core equipment included a 3GHMC type three product heavy medium cyclone, FHMC type coal slurry heavy medium cyclone, and FJC type jet flotation machine. Long term production statistics show that the production rate of refined coal in Workshop 2 has increased from 50.14% to 57.11% compared to Workshop 1, an increase of 6.97 percentage points. For each ton of raw coal selected, an additional sales revenue of 60.83 yuan is added, and the amount of coal carried by gangue is reduced by 20.52 percentage points. This can reduce coal losses by approximately 180000 tons in one year.

At the same time, the "2022 Model Wet Coal Preparation System Water Reuse Process Technology and Equipment" developed by Guohua Technology (a key project of the Innovation Fund of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China) has completely changed the backwardness of water treatment technology in wet coal preparation plants in China, achieving full recovery of coal slurry in the plant, closed-loop washing water circulation, and zero discharge of industrial water. The water consumption per ton of coal is reduced by 40% compared to the national standard GB/T 18916.11-2012 "Water Intake Quota Part 11: Coal Preparation".

Zhao Shuyan succinctly told reporters that innovation is the soul of the scientific and technological development concept and high-tech enterprises, as well as the most important way for enterprises to survive and develop. Since its establishment 16 years ago, Guohua Technology has undertaken 33 related technological research achievements, including 5 ************ scientific research projects, and achieved 7 research achievements at the international leading level in overall technology. Among them, "Efficient and Simplified Heavy Medium Coal Selection Complete Technology and Equipment" has won the first prize of China Coal Science and Technology Award; Develop and revise 10 national and coal industry standards based on its technological advantages; Due to the recognition of the achievements in the industry, by the end of 2014, a total of 546 coal preparation plant engineering designs and more than 60% of engineering contracting were undertaken domestically and internationally, with a total design processing capacity of 764 million tons, equivalent to 31.6% of China's total coal preparation in 2014.

Guohua Technology has broad development prospects and an increasingly large stage. Zhao Shuyan told reporters that he strives to build a high-tech enterprise in the same industry that is leading in cutting-edge research and engineering technology, with outstanding independent innovation and service guarantee, significant advantages in international high-end talents, first-class at home and abroad, and internationally competitive. Guohua Technology has a heavy historical mission and a long way to go.


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97伦伦午夜电影理伦片,99久久性一交一伦一情精品,福利 亚洲 丝袜 老司机,久久久久亚洲Av片无码